
Storytelling and Theatre: True History and Classic Mythology, Family Stories from yesteryear and Epic Ballads from the distant past, fables and folklore, modern fiction and poetry, The Commons is the place where these ancient traditions are given new life. Programs for the general public or home-school students, family friendly or adult only, storytelling and theatre is offered for all audiences. Storytelling is a great way to celebrate the seasons, connect with your community, and find your voice to share your stories.
Come to listen or come to tell.
You can attend our regular performances or attend a workshop or open mic night to share one of your favorite tales!
Beginning once a month, Brian “Fox” Ellis will host a storytelling series with a morning program for children and home schoolers and an afternoon program for the community and senior centers. As some of the nation’s preeminent storytellers pass through the Midwest they will stop into Bishop for a performance or workshop. We are also working towards recreating the epic telling of long form stories like Scandinavia’s Kalevala and the Celtic Arthurian Legends.